-objects depending on argument type
, R/methods_class_problemInstance.r
query problemInstance
-objects depending on argument type
get.problemInstance(object, type)
# S4 method for problemInstance,character
get.problemInstance(object, type)
an object of class problemInstance
a character vector of length 1 defining what to calculate|return|modify. Allowed types are:
strID: vector of unique IDs for each table cell
nrVars: total number of table cells
freq: vector of frequencies
w: a vector of weights used in the linear problem (or NULL)
numVars: a list containing numeric vectors containing values for numerical variables for each table cell (or NULL)
sdcStatus: a vector containing the suppression state for each cell (possible values are 'u': primary suppression, 'x': secondary suppression, 'z': forced for publication, 's': publishable cell, 'w': dummy cells that are considered only when applying the simple greedy heuristic to protect the table)
lb: lower bound assumed to be known by attackers for each table cell
ub: upper bound assumed to be known by attackers for each table cell
LPL: lower protection level required to protect table cells
UPL: upper protection level required to protect table cells
SPL: sliding protection level required to protect table cells
primSupps: vector of indices of primary sensitive cells
secondSupps: vector of indices of secondary suppressed cells
forcedCells: vector of indices of cells that must not be suppressed
hasPrimSupps: shows if object
has primary suppressions or not
hasSecondSupps: shows if object
has secondary suppressions or not
hasForcedCells: shows if object
has cells that must not be suppressed
weight: gives weight that is used the suppression procedures
suppPattern: gives the current suppression pattern
information from objects of class dataObj
depending on argument type
a list (or NULL) if argument type
matches 'numVars'
numeric vector if argument type
matches 'freq', 'lb', 'ub', 'LPL', 'UPL', 'SPL', 'weight', 'suppPattern'
numeric vector (or NULL) if argument type
matches 'w', 'primSupps', 'secondSupps', 'forcedCells'
character vector if argument type
matches 'strID', 'sdcStatus', ''
logical vector of length 1 if argument type
matches 'hasPrimSupps', 'hasSecondSupps', 'hasForcedCells'
numerical vector of length 1 if argument type
matches 'nrVars'
internal function