-objects depending on argument type
, R/methods_class_sdcProblem.r
perform calculations on sdcProblem
-objects depending on argument type
calc.sdcProblem(object, type, input)
# S4 method for sdcProblem,character,list
calc.sdcProblem(object, type, input)
an object of class sdcProblem
a character vector of length 1 defining what to calculate|return|modify. Allowed types are:
rule.freq: modify suppression status within object
according to frequency suppression rule
heuristicSolution: obtain a heuristic (greedy) solution to the problem defined by object
cutAndBranch: solve a secondary cell suppression problem defined by object
using cut and branch
anonWorker: is used to solve the suppression problem depending on information provided with argument input
ghmiter: solve a secondary cell suppression problem defined by object
using hypercube algorithm
preprocess: perform a preprocess procedure by trying to identify primary suppressed cells that are already protected due to other primary suppressed cells
cellID: find index of cell defined by information provided with argument input
finalize: create an object of class safeObj
ghmiter.diagObj: calculate codes required to identify diagonal cells given a valid cell code - used for ghmiter-algorithm only
ghmiter.calcInformation: calculate information for quaders identified by diagonal indices - used for ghmiter-algorithm only
ghmiter.suppressQuader: suppress a quader based on indices
ghmiter.selectQuader: select a quader for suppression depending on information provided with argument input
- used for ghmiter-algorithm only
ghmiter.suppressAdditionalQuader: select and suppress an additional quader (if required) based on information provided with argument input
- used for ghmiter-algorithm only
contributingIndices: calculate indices within the current problem that contribute to a given cell
reduceProblem: reduce the problem given by object
using a vector of indices
genStructuralCuts: calculate cuts that are absolute necessary for a valid solution of the secondary cell suppression problem
a list depending on argument type
a list (typically generated using genParaObj()) specifying parameters for primary cell suppression if argument type
matches 'rule.freq'
a list if argument type
matches 'heuristicSolution' having the following elements:
element 'aProb': an object of class linProb
defining the attacker's problem
element 'validCuts': an object of class cutList
representing a list of constraints
element 'solver': a character vector of length 1 specifying a solver to use
element 'verbose': a logical vector of length 1 setting if verbose output is desired
a list (typically generated using genParaObj()) specifying parameters for the secondary cell suppression problem if argument type
matches 'cutAndBranch', 'anonWorker', 'ghmiter', 'preprocess'
a list of length 3 if argument type
matches 'cellID' having following elements
first element: character vector specifying variable names that need to exist in slot 'dimInfo' of object
second element: character vector specifying codes for each variable that define a specific table cell
third element: logical vector of length 1 with TRUE setting verbosity and FALSE to turn verbose output off
a list of length 3 if argument type
matches 'ghmiter.diagObj' having following elements
first element: numeric vector of length 1
second element: a list with as many elements as dimensional variables have been specified and each element being a character vector of dimension-variable specific codes
third element: logical vector of length 1 defining if diagonal indices with frequency == 0 should be allowed or not
a list of length 4 if argument type
matches 'ghmiter.calcInformation' having following elements
first element: a list object typically generated with method calc.sdcProblem
and type=='ghmiter.diagObj'
second element: a list with as many elements as dimensional variables have been specified and each element being a character vector of dimension-variable specific codes
third element: numeric vector of length 1 specifying a desired protection level
fourth element: logical vector of length 1 defining if quader containing empty cells should be allowed or not
a list of length 1 if argument type
matches 'ghmiter.suppressQuader' having following element
first element: numeric vector of indices that should be suppressed
a list of length 2 if argument type
matches 'ghmiter.selectQuader' having following elements
first element: a list object typically generated with method calc.sdcProblem
and type=='ghmiter.calcInformation'
second element: a list (typically generated using genParaObj())
a list of length 4 if argument type
matches 'ghmiter.suppressAdditionalQuader' having following elements
first element: a list object typically generated with method calc.sdcProblem
and type=='ghmiter.diagObj'
second element: a list object typically generated with method calc.sdcProblem
and type=='ghmiter.calcInformation'
third element: a list object typically generated with method calc.sdcProblem
and type=='ghmiter.selectQuader'
fourth element: a list (typically generated using genParaObj())
a list of length 1 if argument type
matches 'contributingIndices' having following element
first element: character vector of length 1 being an ID for which contributing indices should be calculated
a list of length 1 if argument type
matches 'reduceProblem' having following element
first element: numeric vector defining indices of cells that should be kept in the reduced problem
an empty list if argument type
matches 'genStructuralCuts'
information from objects of class sdcProblem
depending on argument type
an object of class sdcProblem
if argument type
matches 'rule.freq', 'cutAndBranch', 'anonWorker', 'ghmiter', 'ghmiter.supressQuader', 'ghmiter.suppressAdditionalQuader' or 'reduceProblem'
a numeric vector with elements being 0 or 1 if argument type
matches 'heuristicSolution'
a list if argument type
matches 'preprocess' having following elements:
element 'sdcProblem': an object of class sdcProblem
element 'aProb': an object of class linProb
element 'validCuts': an object of class cutList
a numeric vector of length 1 specifying the index of the cell of interest if argument type
matches 'cellID'
an object of class safeObj
if argument type
matches 'finalize'
a list if argument type
matches 'ghmiter.diagObj' having following elements:
element 'cellToProtect': character vector of length 1 defining the ID of the cell to protect
element 'indToProtect': numeric vector of length 1 defining the index of the cell to protect
element 'diagIndices': numeric vector defining indices of possible cells defining cubes
a list containing information about each quader that could possibly be suppressed if argument type
matches 'ghmiter.calcInformation'
a list containing information about a single quader that should be suppressed if argument type
matches 'ghmiter.selectQuader'
a numeric vector with indices that contribute to the desired table cell if argument type
matches 'contributingIndices'
an object of class cutList
if argument type
matches 'genStructuralCuts'
internal function