Descriptive print function for Frequencies, local Supression, Recoding, categorical risk and numerical risk.

# S4 method for sdcMicroObj
print(x, type = "kAnon", docat = TRUE, ...)



An object of class sdcMicroObj-class


Selection of the content to be returned or printed


logical, if TRUE (default) the results will be actually printed


the type argument for the print method, currently supported are:

  • general: basic information on the input obj such as the number of observations and variables.

  • kAnon: displays information about 2- and 3-anonymity

  • ls: displays various information if local suppression has been applied.

  • pram: displays various information if post-randomization has been applied.

  • recode: shows information about categorical key variables before and after recoding

  • risk: displays information on re-identification risks

  • numrisk: displays risk- and utility measures for numerical key variables


Possible values for the type argument of the print function are: "freq": for Frequencies, "ls": for Local Supression output, "pram": for results of post-randomization "recode":for Recodes, "risk": forCategorical risk and "numrisk": for Numerical risk.

Possible values for the type argument of the freq function are: "fk": Sample frequencies and "Fk": weighted frequencies.


Alexander Kowarik, Matthias Templ, Bernhard Meindl


# \donttest{
sdc <- createSdcObj(testdata,
  numVars=c('expend','income','savings'), w='sampling_weight')
sdc <- microaggregation(sdc, method="mdav", aggr=3)
#> Infos on 2/3-Anonymity:
#> Number of observations violating
#>   - 2-anonymity: 26 (0.568%)
#>   - 3-anonymity: 52 (1.135%)
#>   - 5-anonymity: 141 (3.079%)
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
print(sdc, type="general")
#> The input dataset consists of 4580 rows and 15 variables.
#>   --> Categorical key variables: urbrur, roof, walls, relat, sex
#>   --> Numerical key variables: expend, income, savings
#>   --> Weight variable: sampling_weight
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
print(sdc, type="ls")
#> Local suppression has not been applied!
print(sdc, type="recode")
#> Information on categorical key variables:
#> Reported is the number, mean size and size of the smallest category >0 for recoded variables.
#> In parenthesis, the same statistics are shown for the unmodified data.
#> Note: NA (missings) are counted as seperate categories!
#>  Key Variable Number of categories        Mean size           
#>        <char>               <char> <char>    <char>     <char>
#>        urbrur                    2    (2)  2290.000 (2290.000)
#>          roof                    5    (5)   916.000  (916.000)
#>         walls                    3    (3)  1526.667 (1526.667)
#>         relat                    9    (9)   508.889  (508.889)
#>           sex                    2    (2)  2290.000 (2290.000)
#>  Size of smallest (>0)       
#>                 <char> <char>
#>                    646  (646)
#>                     16   (16)
#>                     50   (50)
#>                      1    (1)
#>                   2284 (2284)
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
print(sdc, type="risk")
#> Risk measures:
#> Number of observations with higher risk than the main part of the data: 0
#> Expected number of re-identifications: 2.41 (0.05 %)
print(sdc, type="numrisk")
#> Numerical key variables: expend, income, savings
#> Disclosure risk is currently between [0.00%; 12.95%]
#> Current Information Loss:
#>   - IL1: 384097.50
#>   - Difference of Eigenvalues: 0.020%
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
print(sdc, type="pram")
#> PRAM has not been applied!
print(sdc, type="kAnon")
#> Infos on 2/3-Anonymity:
#> Number of observations violating
#>   - 2-anonymity: 26 (0.568%)
#>   - 3-anonymity: 52 (1.135%)
#>   - 5-anonymity: 141 (3.079%)
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
print(sdc, type="comp_numvars")
#> Compare original and modified numeric key variables
#>   Variable 'expend' has been modified. The correlation is 0.998
#>        Type             Min.     1st Qu.           Median             Mean
#>      <char>           <char>      <char>           <char>           <char>
#> 1:     orig             3377 25610224.75       50462299.5 50499784.5991266
#> 2: modified 1151704.66666667    25359582 50285163.3333333 50499784.5991266
#>             3rd Qu.             Max.
#>              <char>           <char>
#> 1:      75513584.75         99962044
#> 2: 75370230.3333333 99174302.6666667
#>   Variable 'income' has been modified. The correlation is 0.998
#>        Type             Min.          1st Qu.           Median             Mean
#>      <char>           <char>           <char>           <char>           <char>
#> 1:     orig         2897.484         25100000         50750000 50115690.0034852
#> 2: modified 621527.033333333 25066666.6666667 50766666.6666667 50115690.0034852
#>     3rd Qu.     Max.
#>      <char>   <char>
#> 1:  7.5e+07    1e+08
#> 2: 75100000 99200000
#>   Variable 'savings' has been modified. The correlation is 0.998
#>        Type             Min.          1st Qu.  Median             Mean
#>      <char>           <char>           <char>  <char>           <char>
#> 1:     orig         2974.644       2434822.75 4982921 4964039.24334542
#> 2: modified 85811.8536666667 2373826.33333333 4990754 4964039.24334542
#>             3rd Qu.             Max.
#>              <char>           <char>
#> 1:          7487258          9997808
#> 2: 7522210.33333333 9928145.66666667
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# }